Coming September, 2024

EMDR intensives take place over one, two or three consecutive days and last approximately between 3 and 6 hours per day. While it may seem unconventional, there are many reasons that an EMDR Intensive might be an excellent option.


It may suit your lifestyle better to do an intensive, especially if you know exactly what you’d like to work on. For example, a recent car accident or previous relationship may be nagging to be tended to. Rather than exploring these in weekly therapy, coming in for an intensive might be all you require in order to lessen your reactivity and clear space for the future.


EMDR Intensives are priced at 3 hour intervals. The range is $660 to $3960, depending on the number of hours we schedule. I ask for a down payment at the time you schedule, and the remainder is due on the day of your session. The financial investment for a 1.5 day intensive (9 hours) is equal to 9 weeks of therapy.


The effectiveness of EMDR Intensives has been studied widely and, regardless of the model of the intensive (50 minutes per day for 10 days versus multi-hour consecutive days), it has been established that the gains of doing intensive, consecutive EMDR are significant.

You can imagine that the effects of EMDR easily compound without the week-long break of traditional psychotherapy.

In weekly psychotherapy, EMDR is often an option, but it can be difficult to fit all 8 phases of the treatment into a 50 minute session. Even when we plan for EMDR in the next session, and do any preparation that might be needed, a whole week goes by with new material and sticking to that original EMDR plan can be difficult.